Monday, January 21, 2019

Skin Care Tips During Exercise

Exercising improves circulation and detoxifies our skin when we sweat. This gives you that healthy post-exercise glow. As important as exercising is, it’s also important to take care of our skin properly before and after a workout.
Below are a few skin care tips to help keep both your body and your skin feeling amazing after a workout:

Workout in the morning. 
Your skin can benefit from a quick wash with a gentle cleanser first thing in the morning.  Starting your workout with a completely fresh face causes less irritation and gives you that early morning glow.  Use a facial wipe to remove any sweat immediately after a workout to keep your pores clean.

Remove makeup It’s important to prep your skin before your workout.  Once you get to the gym, clean your face using a makeup wipe or a gentle cleanser to remove any makeup or environmental toxins—which can clog your pores.

Gently wash your hands and face after a workout.
Remember that gym equipment is in constant use throughout the day.  Therefore, try to keep your hands off your face as you exercise, wash your hands following your workout, and then use a gentle cleanser on your face to rinse away sweat and toxins.

Take warm, not hot, showers. 
Hot water can strip away natural oils and lead to dehydrated skin—especially after you sweat.

After your shower, pat—don’t rub—your face dry so you don’t remove all the moisture. 

Follow cleansing with a toner, like YOUTH® Perfecting Skin Toner, to further exfoliate, hydrate, and nourish your skin.

After cleansing and toning, replace those lost oils with a hydrating serum like YOUTH® Moisture Activating Serum. 

For plumper, softer, and more hydrated skin, finish with a YOUTH® Moisture Lock Day Cream.

Drink enough water.
  Always stay hydrated throughout the day—especially if you know you’ll be sweating a lot during your evening workout. If you’re a morning workout person, drink at least one glass of water before you begin exercising. It’s also important to drink water after your workout to re-hydrate. You could even try using our Low-Calorie Electrolyte Drink for that extra boost of hydration.

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Skin Care Tips During Exercise

Exercising improves circulation and detoxifies our skin when we sweat. This gives you that healthy post-exercise glow. As important as ex...